Monday 23 January 2012


It is the largest circuit board used inside a computer, all the devices inside a computer are connected to the motherboard.
Motherboard Classification
I. Classification Based on Formfactor
It refers motherboard's shape, layout, positioning of components, determines types of system case.
1.AT(Advanced Technology) Motherboard
It is uesd in old computers, very large in size, 12 inch width, 13.8 inch length.
2.BabyAT Motherboard
Fits in most cases, 8.5 inch width, 13 inch length.
3.ATX(AdvancedTechnologyeXtended) Motherboard
We commonly using this type of  motherboards, 12 inch width, 9.6 inch length.
II. Classification based on design
It is used in early days, contains only power connector, DIN(DutchInterfaceNorm) port for connecting motherboard and expansion slots. For any works to be performed we have to add corresponding add-on or daughter board in expansion slot.
2.Standard or Active
A motherboard integrates memory slot and processor inaddition to components found in passive motherboards.
They integrate more components so that we can reduce the use of add-on cards.
Integrated motherboards are classified into two Partially and Fully integrated motherboards
a.Partially Integrated
Motherboards contain more components such as RAM(RandomAccessMemory) slot, Harddisk, Floppy disk slots , processor. But its keyboard connector is old DIN connector.
b.Fully Integrated
Todays motherboards are  Fully Integrated, ie; every components were present in the motherboard.
Since Fully integrated motherboards integrates all components they are  cheaper than non-integrated motherboards like passive,standard motherboards.

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